
About Us

Great History Of Our School

The Educational Center School was founded in 1980 by a group of parents and educators who were concerned about the lack of quality Islamic education available to their children.The The Educational Center School is a co-educational institution that offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes both Islamic and secular subjects. The school’s mission is to provide students with a “sound Islamic education that will enable them to become productive members of society.”

The The Educational Center School has been successful in achieving its mission. Over the years, the school has produced thousands of graduates who have gone on to become successful professionals in a variety of fields. The school has also been praised for its high academic standards and its commitment to providing students with a well-rounded education.


Our Historical Timeline

The Educational Center Islamic School is a vibrant and growing community that is committed to providing a high-quality education to its students. The school is proud of its history of academic excellence and its commitment to providing a well-rounded education


Start From The Beginning

Foundation, growth, potential

Ambition, hard work, determination

Build From Zero



Grow To The Sky

Success, achievement, fulfillment

Celebration, happiness, gratitude

Here We Are Now



Our Great Vision & Mission

To be a leading institution of higher education that is known for its academic excellence, its commitment to diversity and inclusion, and its impact on the world.


Knowledge, skills, and understanding


Discovery, innovation, and impact


Engagement, service, and impact


Efficiency, coordination, and leadership


Our Educational Partner

Our Education Partners Helped Us to be here where we are now.
